Important Update #6 : Endometriosis and infertility.

Highest pregnancy rates achieved by IVF. Endometriosis is a disease where the cells of uterine lining called endometrial cells, get lodged and grow in response to ovarian hormones at various sites in the pelvis.posterior to uterus between rectum and vagina, below or inside the ovaries,and in the uterine muscles are common sites. As these cells respond to ovarian hormones they also shed during menses causing inflammation pain and adhesions. Menstrual blood from these lesions collects in the ovaries forming thick tarry, blood filled cysts called chocolate cysts. Endometrial glands in uterine muscles cause localised enlargement of musculature, which is called adenomyosis, and gives rise to very severe menstrual pain. Menstrual pain, pain during intercourse and defecation along with infertility are chief symptoms of endometriosis. For treatment of infertility in women with endometriosis, IVF should be the first choice.before starting Ivf suppressing menses for 3months and making endometriotic lesions quiet, gives very high success rates. Women with ovarian endometriosis should plan pregnancy early as their egg reserves can decrease due to endometrioma.


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