Short Info #17 : : Diagnostic Laproscopic

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that involves insertion of a narrow telescope-like instrument through a small incision in the belly button. Laparoscopy allows us to see the abdominal organs and sometimes make repairs, without making a larger incision that can require a longer recovery time and hospital stay. Laparoscopy is done after your periods within 12 days from day-1 of your period. Laparoscopic surgery helps in diagnosing the cause for infertility.

If you’re experiencing pelvic pain, a potential symptom of endometriosis or PID, laparoscopic surgery can be done to determine the source of the pain and possibly treat it .Laparoscopic surgery is also performed in the case of ectopic pregnancy.

Some causes of infertility, like endometriosis, can only be diagnosed through laparoscopy. Laparoscopy allows to not only seeing what’s inside the abdomen, but also taking biopsy of suspicious growths or cysts.

Also, laparoscopic surgery can treat some causes of infertility, allowing a better chance at getting pregnant either naturally or with fertility treatments.


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