
Showing posts from October, 2017

Short Info : : ICSI- Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

At Jilla Hospital Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection is offered to couples to have a chance to have a baby , even when there is a severe male fertility issue. Doctors here at Jilla Hospital believe that ICSI can increase IVF success rate .Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) involves the direct injection of sperm into the eggs obtained from IVF. The fertilized egg (embryo) is then transferred to the uterus (womb) for conception. ICSI is most often used with couples who are dealing with male fertility factors like low sperm count, poor motility or movement of the sperm , poor sperm quality ,sperm that lack the ability to penetrate an egg.

Short Info #17 : : Diagnostic Laproscopic

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that involves insertion of a narrow telescope-like instrument through a small incision in the belly button. Laparoscopy allows us to see the abdominal organs and sometimes make repairs, without making a larger incision that can require a longer recovery time and hospital stay. Laparoscopy is done after your periods within 12 days from day-1 of your period. Laparoscopic surgery helps in diagnosing the cause for infertility. If you’re experiencing pelvic pain, a potential symptom of endometriosis or PID, laparoscopic surgery can be done to determine the source of the pain and possibly treat it .Laparoscopic surgery is also performed in the case of ectopic pregnancy. Some causes of infertility, like endometriosis, can only be diagnosed through laparoscopy. Laparoscopy allows to not only seeing what’s inside the abdomen, but also taking biopsy of suspicious growths or cysts. Also, laparoscopic surgery can treat some causes ... : Short Content : Procuring Fertility

Most people will have the strong desire to conceive a child at some point during their lifetime.  Most couples (approximately 85%) will achieve pregnancy within one year of trying, with the greatest likelihood of conception occurring during the earlier months. Only an additional 7% of couples will conceive in the second year. Women are born with about 1 million to 2 million eggs but release only 300 to 400 through ovulation during their lifetimes.  Usually, women release one egg just each month. The egg travels along one of the two fallopian tubes that connect your ovaries to your uterus. If the timing is right, sperm may fertilize it on its way to the uterus. If fertilization doesn't happen within 24 hours of the egg leaving the ovary, the egg dissolves. Sperm can live for about 3 to 5 days, so knowing when you are ovulating can help you and your partner plan intercourse for when you're most likely to conceive. Women with clean and healthy reproductive tract usu... : Recognized female infertility care centers in Mumbai

IVF is a medical boon for couples who are facing the perils of infertility. Infertility treatments are very sensitive issues and doctors at Jilla Hospital are experts in understanding the kind of care & efficiency required hence Jilla Hospital is one of the recognized female infertility care center in Mumbai . The mental strain that the patient and their parents endure during a fertility treatment can be long and taxing process. However Jilla Hospital being a recognized female infertility care center in Mumbai provides all solutions under one roof. Female infertility includes inability of the woman to conceive as well as inability to carry a pregnancy to full term until the child birth. About 40% of the issues involved with infertility are due to the man, another 40% due to the woman, and 20% result from complications with both partners. Lifestyle behaviors and circumstances can also be a contributing factor to infertility in women. Also age , smoking, consumption of alcoho... : Male fertility care centers in Mumbai

It is recognized that some of the treatments and assisted conception services and the time spent waiting for results or further tests is very stressful. Stress can become very debilitating both to ourselves and our relationships. In addition, there are likely to be times when important decisions have to be made, and often these are easier and clearer to make when the situation is talked through with an objective outsider who can offer the necessary time, confidentiality and experience. When it comes to male fertility Jilla Hospital is the best Male fertility care center in Mumbai . This is a very competitive world and with the latest scientific technologies there are a lot of medicines being discovered for any form of treatment. Like wise for male infertility related issues there are different treatment plans given to male patients to correct. When an appointment is taken at Jilla Hospital, the specialists will discuss current situation with the patient. Upon completion of exami... : Infertility solution providers in Mumbai

Childness is viewed as a more viable and legitimate option and women without children are often presumed to be voluntarily childfree. There is pressure to prove one’s fertility soon after marriage. Because motherhood is so tightly connected to marriage in many cultures, the presumption is that women are childless only if they are infertile. To help such infertility couples Jilla Hospital is one of the infertility solution providers in Mumbai . Infertility treatments are very sensitive issues, and as experts doctors at Jilla Hospital understand the kind of care and efficiency required to assist every infertile couple in fulfilling their parenthood dream. The text book definition of infertility is when a couple has difficulty achieving after trying for one year. Over the last several years, the field of assisted reproductive technology has advanced rapidly in providing assistance to couples with male factor fertility. Keeping all infertile factors both in male and female Jilla... : Female fertility care centers in Mumbai

Fertility can be defined as a medical system that empowers women and couples to make healthy choices regarding their fertility. Some form of medical intervention, assisted conception service or treatment may become necessary to improve chances of becoming fertile. In these circumstances, it is particularly important that you have the opportunity to ask all the questions that you may have about assisted conception services, to access information that you need and to feel prepared and ready for whatever lies ahead. Fertility care sees fertility as a normal healthy condition .This is what doctors at jilla Hospital say which is considered as the best female fertility care center in Mumbai . Doctors at Jilla Hospital are dedicated in maintaining privacy of patients. All follow up sessions are confidential and records and documentation are stored in a secure manner Doctors provide co-operative solution for infertility Trustworthy and timely health and medicine. All the above rema... : Cheapest Male infertility care centers in Mumbai

The difficulties associated with trying to conceive and a diagnosis of infertility can often be a major life crisis. Many conflicting feelings and strong emotions arise and often their strength and intensity are greater than those we are used to dealing with. These feelings can often be helped with the emotional support of a trained counsellor in assisted conception, who will give you the time and space needed to deal with the situation. When male fertility is examined, a male factor infertility “issue” is found in 30% of couples, and a contributing male factor is involved in 50% of couples. However at Jilla Hospital this is taken care very effectively and of course as the cost also matters Jilla Hospital is the cheapest Male infertility care center inMumbai . Doctors at Jilla Hospital believe that every couple deserve to have a family without having any concerns, hence its only at Jilla Hospital you will find the best male infertility treatment in Mumbai .  Jilla hospital ... : Cheapest female infertility care centers in Mumbai

In a city like Mumbai it is hard to find cheapest female infertility care center in Mumbai . Regardless of age, if you have been trying to conceive for six months or longer with no success, we recommend that you schedule a consultation to determine if any potential problems exist. The goal is to provide you with preliminary testing that will potentially put your mind at ease or alert you to issues early enough to allow for correction with optimum cost that is available at Jilla Hospital which is the cheapest female infertility care center in Mumbai .The specialists at Jilla Hospital will discuss the patients concern an then complete an examination, hormonal evaluation, ultrasound scan and tests to rule out infection. For conception to occur, the experts  goal is to have an egg ovulate from the ovary, travel to the uterus through a fallopian tube and be fertilized by sperm along the way. Their initial testing, which will be determined at the consultation, may include: Base... Best fertility clinic in Mumbai

Assisted Reproductive Technology or IVF is a medical boon for couples who are facing the perils of infertility. Jilla hospital is one of the best fertility clinic in Mumbai which provides excellent and affordable treatment for infertile couples. With world class ambiance  and facilities it can put any patient at ease and make every visit pleasant and memorable with highest success rate IVF center in Mumbai. Jilla IVF has 20 years of experience and has given more than 10,000 couples the joy of a complete family. Jilla Hospital and IVF center is a premier health care institute in India with numerous first to its credit. Besides being one of the highest success rate IVF center in Mumbai , Jilla hospital is completely different from other IVF centers and the below factors makes Jilla Hospital the best fertility clinic in Mumbai High Success Rate Experienced doctors Failure Analysis and Recovery Cost Effective IVF treatment Affordable Fertility Care Faster Appointments ...