JillaHospital.com: Infertility specialist in Mumbai

Mumbai being a metropolitan city, the changing social scenario together with economic growth and an increase in job opportunities ,has to a great extent  resulted in more and more older women seeking help from infertility clinics and set a high demand for more infertility specialist in Mumbai. Fertility and aging have always been closely linked and the age of the female partner remains the single most important factor in predicting success with treatment. The infertility specialist in Mumbai  have conducted several tests for the ovarian reserve as an important informative tool and are helpful in selecting treatment options.

Infertility is a distressing issue to both the couple and their families. The number of older women approaching fertility clinics for treatment in India is increasing. The intentional delay in child bearing, facilitated by the availability of effective contraception, can be attributed to several factors. Increasing educational/job opportunities for members of both the sexes result in an ambitious pursuit of careers, often resulting in late marriages.This is what most of the infertility specialist in Mumbai say. Although the double income no kids concept helps to achieve financial stability and satisfy materialistic wants, eventually the inherent desire for children surfaces. The significance of female age with regard to fertility is still ill-understood, even among the educated.The infertility specialist in Mumbai especially at Jilla Hosiptal are focusing on these aspects and counselling young couples and providing appropriate treatment.

Infertility specialist are also creating awareness among couples about the factors leading to infertility and advices  early referral to an infertility specialist when required. Although infertility is defined as an inability to conceive following a year of unprotected intercourse, this definition needs to be modified in the older woman.The infertility special at Jilla hospital in Mumbai provide approriate Investigation and treatment  earlier in women 35 and above. The assessment of the ovarian reserve helps in counselling as well as determining appropriate therapy. There is also a clear distinction between physiological and premature diminished ovarian reserves with the latter having a better prognosis in terms of clinical pregnancies.

As mentioned earlier, age is perhaps the single most important factor in assessing an ovarian reserve and reflects both the quantity and quality of oocytes.
Age is a very important factor with regard to fertility, and even with all the advancements in assisted reproduction, it still remains an insurmountable barrier. Public awareness of this fact is important as the age-related decline in fecundity leaves the clinician and the couple with limited treatment options. From a purely fertility aspect, delay in child bearing should be avoided.


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