Test Tube Baby treatment in Mumbai

The babies born out of the IVF procedure are often called test tube babies. Though the term is no longer in use, as it tends to have an unsavory undertone, some people continue to use it liberally. In fact, some doctors also use this term in the names of their clinics, Test Tube Baby treatment in Mumbai

Test tube baby treatment in Mumbai at Jilla Hospital has 20 years of experience and has given birth to more than 5000 test tube babies. The steps involved during test tube treatment in Mumbai are - the eggs and sperm are collected, treated and then fertilized in a laboratory. The resulting embryo is then transferred into the woman's womb. This procedure is used to help infertile couples conceive and have the baby they want.
Test Tube baby treatment in Mumbai If the woman has a blocked, damaged or absent fallopian tube, or if she is suffering from a very severe condition of the uterus, such as endometriosis, she may opt for IVF. Men who have low sperm counts or unexplained infertility may also choose test tube baby treatment in short IVF to have a child.
Why opt for test tube baby treatment in Mumbai at Jilla Hospital?
a.   High Success Rate – At Jilla Hospital, they have the best expertise & specialized team of Doctors, and are able to achieve very high success rate for IVF Treatment.
b. Experienced Doctors – Doctors are well experienced and provide compassionate and individualized fertility care for test tube baby treatment in Mumbai at Jilla hospital for over 15 years.
c.    Failure Analysis & Recovery - Failure analysis which is no matter where a patient fails she will conceive in Jilla's test tube baby treatment center in Mumbai.
d.     Affordability - The test tube baby treatment in Mumbai at Jilla Hospital is affordable.
e.    Cost Effective IVF treatment – A less expensive approach for test tube baby treatment in Mumbai – Jilla Hospital. At Jilla Hospital they have treated patients from various countries.          

With improved medical technology, impeccable credentials of fertility specialists and medical staff and the use of latest technologies for the purpose of test tube baby treatment in Mumbai –Jilla Hospital, it is no wonder that people from all over the world come here for  treatment .
For International Patients- Test Tube babyTreatment in Mumbai –Jilla Hospital
At Jilla hospital for international patients the initial communication with their doctors proceed via email and all the preliminary investigation tests are sent to patient which can be done at their hometown, thus the patient has to spend less than 10-20 days in India for treatment for the below treatment plan.
1.       Patient arrives with all investigation and blood reports on Day 1
2.       Controlled ovarian stimulation start on Day 2/3
3.       Sonography is done to see the follicle growth on Day 5/6/7
4.       Sonography is done to see the follicle growth on Day 8/9/10
5.       Decide and give the rupturing trigger.(depends on the follicle size) Day 11/12
6.       Ultrasound guided oocyte retrieval process under anesthesia (this is a Scarless procedure), ICSI or -      IVF done in the lab, media and culture system prepared for embryo culture on Day 12/13/14
7.       Embryos will be transferred between these days depending of the endometrial and embryo growth on Day 14-19
The patient will be explained all medicine post embryo transfer, these can be continued in their home country. Date will be given for Bhcg (blood test) that will give us the pregnancy results.
Once the initial communication with  doctors proceed via emails and all the preliminary investigation tests are sent to the patient which can be done at their hometown, thus the patient has to spend less than 10-20 days in India for treatment.
Test tube baby treatment in Mumbai – Jilla Hospital costs are affordable as compared other Hospitals and people from all over the world come here for their infertility treatment.


  1. best surgeon and affordable prices is given by Hair Transplant Punjab

  2. Nice blog about this topic. Thanks to share this information.If you want to know who is the best test tube baby hospital in surat then we at Female First Hospital provide best infertility & test tube baby related treatment.

  3. Dr. Sumita Sofat Hospital is best IVF centre in India from where you can resolve you infertility treatment caused due to different hormonal reasons. If you want the treatment at low prices just visit us.


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