Low cost IVF Doctors in Mumbai

Mumbai being the heart of the country where life moves at super speed the advancement in medicine also has taken a rapid growth. Earlier people would be surprised when a couple says that their child was born through IVF, as the word IVF was sounding very expensive. Also some of the couples would hesitate to say that their child was born through IVF as though it was a sin or against their traditions. But now IVF has become a gift from advanced science to all those childless couples and even the older generation has started accepting this. In today’s generation we see that most of the children are born through IVF .With more doctors getting specialized in this field, there are low cost IVF doctors in Mumbai.

In vitro Fertilization meaning fertilization outside the human body, IVF is a technique of assisted reproduction that is used for sub fertile couples. In IVF the oocyte and washed sperms are kept in a Petri dish for fertilization. The fertilised ovum is then left in the culture medium to grow from day 2 to day 6. Depending on the case the embryos are transferred in the uterus to implant.
Process of IVF takes about 20 days.

When we read the description of IVF procedure the first thing that comes to our mind is the cost, is it affordable? Answer to this is yes , as Jilla hospital is the only clinic where we can find low cost IVF doctors in Mumbai and has benefited the couples who are having
  •         Tubal Blockage (single or both)
  •         Borderline male sperm count
  •        Women with premature ovarian failure ( Donor egg IVF)
  •        Advanced maternal age
  •        Women with endometriosis
  •        Unexplained infertility (Couple trying to conceive for more than 2 years but unable to conceive without any cause )
  •        Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Jilla Hospital is the only clinic with low cost IVF doctors in Mumbai and is situated in Motiwala Nagar, Aurangabad Maharashtra.

Doctors at Jilla Hospital believe that every couple deserve to have a family without the concern of finances determining if you consider the fertility treatment or not, hence its only at Jilla Hospital you will find low cost IVF doctors in Mumbai, thus ensuring  that this treatment is made affordable to every class of people. Jilla hospital also provides free second opinion for those patients who come for consultation with failures at the other IVF centers, as Jilla hospital has been the preferred choice for these patients.

Jilla Hospital also welcomes patients from other countries for IVF treatment as doctors as the treatment package is affordable as compared to other countries. Overall we find low cost IVF doctors at Jilla hospital which covers all aspects in the treatment without any compromise and thus brings a smile to all those aspiring couples.


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