How to deal with IVF failure??

 How to deal with IVF failure??

” I met a patient today; she said I started taking anti depressants after I failed my IVF cycle”. That is when I realized, a failure in IVF can actually destroy the mental stability of a women. Yes this is true, the social pressure and the pressure we put on ourselves to conceive is just too high. For all the women out there, having a failed IVF on IUI or ICSI cycles , it is very important to understand that success does not only depend on the women health and her uterus and oocyte quality etc. It depends on a lot of factors.
It depends on the sperms quality, the DNA in the sperms, the lab conditions on the day of your oocyte pick up, the culture medium, skill of the embryologist etc etc.
There are so many factors that affect your success, so why just blame yourself??
Every woman has the right to ask question to her doctor or IVF clinic as to why her IVF failed. What were the parameters that were analyzed on those days ??
These answers will lead you to understand why your IVF has failed ?? And what can be done next?? What can be done differently??

There are a lot of clinics that offer free 2nd opinions. At Jilla’s IVF we offer free failure analysis to patients (even if the whats app us the reports).

So far all women who have faced IVF failures, ask question ? Take 2nd opinions, read online and you will find your answers. But never get depressed. Getting depressed and SAD is not solving anything. It only spoils our health.

“Don’t let the past affect your present to ruin a wonderful future.”


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