JillaHospital.com : Most Common Causes of Female Infertility

In our society, female infertility is something which is believed to be taboo to be discuss. But there are many causes of female infertility which can be cured by proper medications. Indirect Causes: Genetic disorder: hereditary issues are also responsible for female infertility Radiation: exposure to chemotherapy and radiation affects the reproductive system of females. Advanced age: conceiving a baby after 40’s is quite challenging Lifestyle diseases: diabetes and other diseases which affect the kidney, liver and so on. Smoking: consumption of cigarette affects female hormones Obesity Direct Causes: Hyperprolactinemia: it is condition in which level of prolactin hormone is high which leads to no ovulation and as as result there is no pregnancy. Ovarian factors: premature ovarian syndrome Blockage of fallopian tube Uterus Issues: Sometimes uterus might be missing or it might appears like dual one. Presence of fibroids also acts hurdle in conceiving the baby...