
Showing posts from July, 2018 : Blocked Fallopian Tubes: Causes and Treatment

There are two fallopian tubes which are thin and are responsible to carry the mature eggs to uterus from ovaries. They play an important role in fertilization process as fertilization occurs when eggs are traversing via fallopian tubes to the uterus. But when these fallopian tubes are blocked, eggs are unable to reach uterus which results is failed pregnancy. Either the single tube is blocked or both are blocked, both conditions are fatal. It is one of the major cause of infertility in women. Causes: Endometriosis Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Prior abdominal surgery Ruptured Appendix Any prior surgery Prior Ectopic Pregnancy Abortion/miscarriage or uterine infection in past Contraction of STD infection in the past Treatment When fallopian tubes are blocked, fertility experts generally prescribe the fertility drugs so that chances of ovulating increases on the sides where fallopian tube is open. Other best options are IVF treatment and laparos... : How female infertility can be treated via IVF?

There are many couples across the world that have conception problem and they are related to the fertility in men and women. Bit with medical advances, these issues can be resolved. IVF is the solution for female related infertility. In Vitro Fertilization is the assisted reproductive technology in which fertilization takes place outside the female body. Eggs are taken out from the body and then manually these eggs integrate with sperm and as embryo is formed, it get transferred to the uterus of the female. It is a remedy for those couple who failed to get pregnant in a natural manner. Females who have fallopian tube problem, polycystic ovary syndrome and so on can get pregnant with IVF. However, only IVF specialist can tell the correct treatment for specific kind of infertility. : What is the Cost of IVF Treatment in India?

The cost of IVF is not fixed anywhere in India as it depends mainly on the infertility workup of the couple. Therefore, IVF cost varies from person to person. In some cases, if patient is lucky enough to blessed with a baby while going through only 1 or 2 IVF cycles, then it will cost less. Sometimes, simple process of laparoscopy procedure is enough to get dissolve the issue of infertility. So, to know the exact amount of IVF, the couple should consult the fertility clinic as there are many diagnostic procedures along with tests which range from Rs 1 lakh to 1.30 lakh per cycle. The IVF cost rises as the couple undergoes more advanced diagnostic procedures and infertility treatments. Jilla Hospital provides the best affordable cost in India. : IVF for infertility problems

IVF is the best available solution for married couple who want to have a baby in spite of the infertility issues. However, in this patriarchal society, it might be a problem to convince your elders for IVF.  But the proper counselling with the IVF experts may solve all your problems. The professionals will digest the right solution for the infertility problem. It is not like all couple have same infertility issues. The reasons for infertility differ with couple. Once the problem is diagnosed, IVF specialists will start the best IVF treatment. This IVF treatment can change your lives as it can bring a joy of happiness in your life by blessing you with a baby. The specialist will go for proper counselling for the whole period of treatment to solve problems of patients so that they get the best during the treatment. : Infertility Dilemmas

Infertility problem can create havoc in your happy married life. It is a kind of dilemma which a couple face who have infertility problem as they do not get their baby. This dilemma usually occurs mainly due to the social pressure such as family and friends as it is most common thing in family that soon after the marriage, couple must have a baby. This situation becomes worst when either of the partner has fertility issues.  In fact, when males have fertility issues, then also females are held responsible for not having a baby. It is not acceptable by males himself that they cannot produce a baby. They don’t take a stand for their wives.  When females have fertility issues, then the situation becomes worst as they face lots of criticism in their family. The best solution for solving this dilemma is proper counselling and going for IVF treatment. : Who needs IVF?

In starting, women try to get pregnant in a natural manner but when the couple failed in doing do, then they should immediately contact the IVF specialists. Contacting fertility specialist will let them know the actual reason for not being blessed with baby as fertility specialists will perform some tests on both the partners. There can be several reasons for the women to undergo IVF treatment as she can have some issues like fallopian tube damage, age related fertility, endometriosis and so on which are responsible for her infertility. In addition, in cases where in couple male partner has fertility issues like low sperm count, problem in sperm production, ejaculation problem, low quality of sperm and much more. But with the availability of IVF with all these infertility problems, couple can be blessed with a baby.